Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Eole Stab, is hereinafter referred to as “Eole Stab”.
The investors, suppliers and potential customers is hereinafter referred to as ”You”.
“Personal data” means any information that can be identified or identifiable to a natural person; an identifiable natural person can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, phone number or email.
“Data controller” means the one who is responsible for the personal data, which is Eole Stab.

“Third parties” are defined as individual people or companies that helps Eole Stab with providing good service. Third parties can be the controller of Eole Stab’s website or Swedish authorities.

General information

Eole Stab strives to protect Your personal integrity in the best way possible. All of the treatment of Your personal data is performed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) and other applicable legislation. This privacy policy describes why Eole Stab collects information, how the information is processed and Your rights under the Regulation. By accepting this policy, You are aware of how and for which purpose Eole Stab collects and process Your personal data.

What personal data is collected

Eole Stab collects and stores personal data that is necessary, essential and compatible with the purpose of the service. Personal data that we may collect from You could include:
● Name
● Phone number
● E-mail
● Address

For what purpose do we process your personal data and on what legal basis?

Personal data is stored no longer than it is necessary for the purpose of the process.
● When entering an agreement with a supplier personal data will be stored in order to fulfill the agreement.
● Personal data may also be collected to enable agreements with potential customers in order to provide products and services.
● When You sign up for our newsletter, we will collect and store personal data that is necessary to provide You with newsletters. We will only process Your personal data for this purpose after we have received Your expressed con- sent.
● In connection with exchange of business cards, Eole Stab has a legitimate interest to collect and store personal data, in order to maintain business contact with You.
● Eole Stab may also collect and store personal data in connection with ex- change of business cards, after You have given consent to this process.
● Eole Stab will also process Your personal data in order to fulfil certain legal obligations, for example accounting obligations.

Automated decision-making

Eole Stab may use automated decision-making for direct marketing if permitted by law or by any other constitution or if You have expressly consented to such treatment. For example, when subscribing to our newsletter You provide an explicit consent to receive newsletters.

How long do we store your personal data?

Personal data will be erased when it is no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which it has been collected or when it is no longer necessary to meet the requirements by law. This means that:
● Eole Stab reserves the right to preserve the personal data that has been registered in connection with the subscription to receive newsletters, until You terminate the subscription.
● Personal data that is stored due to the agreements with the suppliers will be deleted after the fulfillment of these agreements.
● Personal data from potential customers will be deleted when its no longer necessary to provide the product or service.
● Further, when Eole Stab no longer find a business contact relevant, personal data connected to its business card will be deleted.

How will your personal data be used in relation to third parties

Eole Stab may share Your personal data to third parties. Third parties used by Eole Stab will only collect, use and disclose Your information to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide us. Eole Stab reserves the right to disclose personal data to non-EU/EEA countries, if any of Eole Stab’s suppliers or partners are located there. If personal data is transmitted in this way, Eole Stab will take measures that are required to ensure that personal data remain protected in accordance with current legislation. Eole Stab will also ensure that the personal data will be transmitted legally and safely. Personal data are provided only on condition that the recipient meets the security level set under the Regulation.
Eole Stab also reserves the right to disclose personal data and share to third parties if it is necessary to comply with current legislation.

Security of personal data

Eole Stab takes appropriate organizational measures to minimize the risk of unauthorized access and inappropriate use. These measures are taken for the purpose to ensure Your personal integrity.

Your rights and choices

You are responsible for keeping Your personal data updated to enable Eole Stab to fulfill its commitments. Eole Stab is not responsible for errors arising due to inaccurate personal data. Eole Stab is responsible for protecting Your personal data in accordance with the Regulation and other relevant legislation. This means that You are en- titled to:
a. At any time get access to processed personal data. You are also entitled to a copy of the personal data undergoing processing free of charge.
b. Obtain without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning Your personal data.
c. Have Your personal data erased and no longer processed when the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are collected or otherwise processed, where You have withdrawn Your consent or object to the processing of the personal data concerning You.
d. Have processing of personal data limited. This means that Your personal in- formation is marked so that they can only be processed for specified purpos- es.
e. To transmit personal data to another controller by receiving data You have provided to Eole Stab in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable and interoperable format. The transfer of personal data through data portability is performed at Your request.
f. Object to such processing where personal data are processed for the purposes of direct marketing. Objection to such process is done through communication with Eole Stab, see contact details below. Eole Stab will discontinue with the process for the purpose of direct marketing when Eole Stab have received Your objection.


You have the right to make a complaint to the National Authority (SW. Datainspektionen) if You believe that Your personal data is incorrectly handled.