
3DR® Structural FormworkAn innovative solution for complex architectural design

An innovative solution for complex architectural design

The 3DR® Structural Formwork can be used up to the most complex architectural forms:

The 3DR® Structural Formwork is flexible. Its prefabrication in factory makes possible the realization of the most complex architectural form (S curves, slopes, varied profiles, etc…) respecting the geometry required by the prime contractor.

The 3DR® Structural Formwork allows to reduce the construction sites constraints and the times of completion of works:

The panels with 3DR® Structural Formwork are light. Mostly hand portable, they are crane time saving. They can integrate the insulating or secondary specialities equipment. The concrete filling is done on a great height and without vibration. The use of the 3DR® system also eliminates all the harmful effects related to the dismantling. So, the completion of the works is simplified, economic, fast and secure.
“Traditional formwork requested high cost tools and important adjustments.”  

Eric TRICHET, MERCEDES construction site, answers our questions.

The 3DR® Structural Formwork improves the durability of the structure and so permits the building owners to save money:

The to-measure dimensioning of the panels and the manufacture in factory, reduce the risks of defects and guarantee a thickness (from few cms to several meters), as well as a density and a coating of the steel, perfectly meeting the technical requirements of the project.

The positioning of the steels, optimized on both sides of the neutral fibre, improves the mechanical characteristics.

Suppression of cracking problems and increase of the structure compressive strength reduce the maintenance costs.

The 3DR® system thus removes the risks related to a bad vibration of concrete.

The 3DR® Structural Formwork contributes to the protection of people and of environment:

The lightness of the 3DR® Structural Formwork and the globalization of tasks reduce handling operations and risks of construction site accidents. The implementation, without dismantling, so without harmful oils, preserves the ground water. The suppression of the concrete vibration reduces the sound effects, harmful for the site workers and for the residents.

Finally, in seismic zones, the laced design of 3DR® which remotes the ruin of the structure, increases the safety of the occupants.